PinnedCurriculum VitaeI am now writing on Medium, so I think something on the order of an introduction is called for.Jun 7, 20194Jun 7, 20194
The Dilettante and the PolymathReview of Robert Boyers, Maestros and Monsters: Days and Nights with Susan Sontag and George Steiner (Mandel Vilar Press/Dryad Press, 2023)Jun 11, 2024Jun 11, 2024
AI as Mind-ReadingA few days ago, a fleeting memory crossed my mind: an old Warner Brothers Bugs Bunny cartoon, where our long-eared and cotton-tailed hero…May 18, 2024May 18, 2024
Spirit of the Garage, or Lost in the Gizz-verseI have the distinct privilege of having played my trusty Hagstrom II guitar (quite badly) in several Long Island-based garage bands back in…Jul 11, 2023Jul 11, 2023
On the Ethics of TravelI have always been ambivalent about travel at best and terrified of it at worst. Part of this is due to my reflexive worrying and…Jun 28, 2023Jun 28, 2023
Knives and Gunfights and Dark BrandonDebt ceiling crises are as periodic and predictable as El Niño. When the political atmosphere is plagued by the instability of a Republican…May 25, 2023May 25, 2023
The Sinema Show (So Much for Federalism, Part 5)Please forgive this horrible pun. I couldn’t help myself.Jan 17, 20221Jan 17, 20221